Scientific work

The main areas of research:

  1. "Features of the organization of the educational process at the Faculty of Economics of a technical university on the formation of the secondary linguistic personality of a student within the framework of a competence-based approach" (2012 - 2017).
  2. "The effectiveness of the application of the tiered system for the formation of foreign language professional competence of students in a technical university" (state registration No. 20151801 of November 27, 2015).
  3. "Scientific and methodological principles for the creation and use of educational computer programs in the framework of professionally-oriented teaching of a foreign language to students of economic specialties of a non-linguistic university" (2006 - 2011).

Every year, the teachers of the department take an active part in the preparation and holding of conferences within the framework of the "Days of Science", conduct intra-university and inter-university Olympiads in the academic disciplines assigned to the department.

In order to exchange experience and implement joint educational projects, the department cooperates with related departments of a number of higher educational institutions of the country, including the departments of foreign languages ​​of the Brest State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Belarusian State Economic University, Baranovichi State University and Polesie State University.

© 2022 Brest State Technical University

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Телефоны: +375 162 32-17-32 (приемная ректора), +375 162 32-17-76 (приемная комиссия)
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