
Ceremony honoring the best applicants of BrSTU

For motivated applicants of the Brest State Technical University, a career guidance event was held on March 30 with an exhibition of scientific and technical developments of teachers and students, excursions around the university, its industry and educational and practical laboratories.
In the assembly hall, the guests were greeted by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of BrSTU Mikhail Vladimirovich Neroda, the Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Natalya Petrovna Yalovaya, and the deans of the faculties. The guest of honor of the event was the Deputy Head of the Department of General Secondary, Special and Vocational Education, Head of the Department of General Secondary and Special Education of the Main Education Directorate of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Tatyana Anatolyevna Chanova.
Addressing those present in the hall, Natalya Petrovna thanked the applicants for choosing BrSTU as a platform for participation in the Olympiads and noted: “There are a lot of opportunities to realize your abilities at the university! And all of them are created by those who now work and study here. We are building the present, and with the participation of you, our future students, we will build the future!”
The executive secretary of the admissions committee, Andrei Nikolaevich Parfievich, spoke in detail about the features of this year’s admissions campaign, drawing attention to the expanded list of opportunities for medalists and winners of Olympiads at various levels.
In a solemn ceremony, Tatyana Anatolyevna Chanova and Natalya Petrovna Yalovaya presented the winners of the university Olympiad in the academic subjects “Mathematics” and “Physics” with diplomas and certificates entitling them to admission on special conditions in accordance with the Rules for admission to higher education institutions.
There was also an award ceremony for the winners of the “Creativity” Olympiad, organized for applicants to the specialties “Architecture” and “Architectural Design”. During the spring vacations, as part of the career guidance event “Holidays at BrSTU,” the children were able to try their hand at academic drawing, painting, architectural composition and drafting. These subjects they will have to take during the entrance campaign.
The creative teams of the university created a festive atmosphere with their performances and thereby demonstrated that studying at the university is not only classes, seminars and lectures, but also creativity and inspiration! 

More photos in the BrSTU telegram channel at the link:

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